If you get an error accessing the e-VALISA service, keep in mind that in order to access it, you must be registered with the Generalitat de Catalunya's Corporate Directory (GICAR) and have an email address in the aforementioned directory. You can consult the Requirements for access to the e-VALISA service for more information.

If you usually access it and now you can't access it, or if you can access it, but you get an error when sending an e-VALISA, consult the AOC Services Status website where we communicate service incidents and scheduled interventions that may affect operation of these.

In the event that there is no reported incident or intervention on our website, contact us.

The website of the State of Services AOC allows you to subscribe in order to receive notices when an incident occurs and when it is resolved. If you want to receive them, you can subscribe through the "Subscription" button in the upper section, from where you can select the services you want to receive the notices from. Subscription button to state services AOC.JPG