Events that will generate email alerts to e-Valisa users are as follows:

  1. Reception of a new suitcase . The receiving user (and any collaborating users associated with it) and viewing users will receive a notification each time they receive a new case. Recipients will receive an email with the subject “Received:” and the subject of the case in question, and viewers will receive an email with the subject “Viewer:” and the subject of the case.
  2. Valid to modify. If, when reviewing a suitcase prepared for approval, the owner determines that some modification needs to be made, he can do it himself or return the suitcase to the collaborator indicating the changes he must make. In this second case, the eValisa will send a notice to the collaborator to indicate this.
  3. Discarded suitcase . If the holder of a suitcase decides to delete a suitcase that a collaborator had prepared for him by approval, the collaborator will receive a discarded suitcase notice.
  4. Suitcase returned . If the recipient user of a bag (or one of their collaborators) returns a received bag, a warning email will be sent to the issuing user (and their collaborators) to inform them.
  5. Reading a suitcase . When the receiving user (or one of their collaborators) first reads a received wallet, a warning will be generated to the sending user (and their collaborators) to indicate that the wallet has been read.
  6. Suitcase sent by a collaborator . A registered user will receive a notification by mail every time one of their collaborators directly sends a suitcase on their behalf.
  7. Suitcase ready for approval . A registered user will receive a notice by mail every time a collaborator leaves a suitcase ready for him in the Per a vistiplau tray. The notification mail will have as subject "Confirmation:" and the subject of the suitcase itself.
  8. Notice of reading deadline . If a parcel is sent indicating a deadline date and this parcel has not been read by the recipient (or one of his collaborators) before the specified deadline expires, the eValisa will send a warning mail to both the issuing user (so that if it considers it appropriate to take some action) as the recipient user (and its collaborators).
  9. Suitcase sent by the user with whom we collaborate . When the owner sends the suitcase that we had placed for approval, we will receive the notice by mail.

All these warning emails will include the necessary data to be able to clearly identify the related case (who is the issuing user, what is the date and time when the event occurred, the subject, etc.) and a link to be able to access the eValisa directly to find out more exactly what happened and act accordingly.

Of all these types of notices, we believe there are some that are more important than others. In particular we think that the first 4 should be sent in all cases and that in addition they should be sent as soon as they occur.
On the other hand, the last 4 types of notices we think are not so critical and these are the ones we will allow you to configure as follows:

  • Individually for each type of notice you can decide whether or not you want to receive it and if so how often: immediately, receive a single daily email with all the events that have occurred during the day or receive a single email weekly with all the events that have occurred in the last week.
  • By default all notifications will be configured to be sent immediately as soon as the event occurs. In this way it is guaranteed that users who start or are starting to use the e-Valisa will receive all the warnings and that they will only stop receiving them once they gain more experience in the service and decide to it

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